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Testimonials From Our Customers
"Job Sarthi exceeded my expectations! Their team was incredibly supportive and dedicated to helping me find the right job. They offered personalized career counseling sessions that helped me identify my strengths and career goals. Their resume writing services were top-notch, and they also provided valuable interview coaching. Thanks to Job Sarthi, I secured a fantastic job opportunity in my desired field."
Priya sharma
Graphic Designer
"I had a great experience with Job Sarthi! Their team was very professional and provided excellent support throughout the job search process. They helped me with resume writing, interview preparation, and connected me with relevant job opportunities. I'm thankful for their assistance, which ultimately led to me landing a job that I love."
Gaurav Agrwal
Web Developer
"My experience with Job Sarthi was average. While they did provide me with some job leads and interview tips, I felt that the communication could have been better. There were times when I had to follow up multiple times to get a response. Overall, they did help to some extent in my job search, but there's room for improvement in their responsiveness."
Rahul Prajapati
Digital Market Expert
"I had a disappointing experience with Job Sarthi. Despite their promises of personalized job assistance, I felt like I was just another client in their system. The job leads they provided were not aligned with my skills and preferences, and the follow-up from their team was inconsistent. I didn't see much value in their services compared to other job placement agencies I've worked with in the past."
Sumit Saxena
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